Wednesday 16 June 2010

Sunday 6 June 2010 Galatians 1:11-24, Bruce


Paul is writing to the members of the church he founded in Galatia. He is deeply upset. This is not because they are going back to Judaism, or abandoning the faith. Rather, they are being influenced by and are listening to people who are advocating a brand new faith: a synthesis of Judaism and the new cult of Jesus. He must defend both the message and the status of the messenger.

The Gospel

His first point is that the message is revealed by God. Paul has not dreamed it up, or invented it. He has most certainly not read it in a book or been told it by another man. Rather, Jesus himself revealed it to Paul. It is not a matter of what seems reasonable to us to believe; we accept the message of God’s love as a gift.

The Call

It was not Paul’s idea to pass the message on. Paul passes on three important tips for every Christian:

God’s choice

Every one of us is being called to follow Jesus, and to serve him. It is not our idea, or a whim or passing fancy. God knew you before you were born. He had a purpose in mind for you, if you would choose to fall into line with it.

God’s grace

It is a gift from God. There are many who are held back from serving God, because they have convinced themselves that they are not worthy enough or talented enough; “God could never use me”. The truth is, however, that God freely chooses whom he will; he forgives and cleanses. Then he equips. All the praise goes to him. We do not get the credit, but we are freed from worrying about our inadequacies.

God’s purpose

This is not just to give us an enjoyable time. Jesus’ purpose was to use Paul to reach out his love to those outside the then accepted normal sphere. He has a purpose for each of us.


1. St Michael’s has five values: which one do you feel we are concentrating on this week, and why?

2. What are the similarities between us and Paul? What are the differences?

3. What are the things you feel called to? What excites you or fires your passion? Where might God be leading you? (Do not be afraid to think the unthinkable!)


1. Make a note of different people’s responses, aspirations, hopes, dreams. Are there any things that it might be helpful to speak to Bruce about?

2. Make time to pray for each other during the meeting, that we will each know our calling, and have grace to respond.

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