Saturday 15 January 2011

Sunday 16 January 2011, 1 Corinthians 1:4-9, John 1:29-42, Bruce

In this season of Epiphany we ask, “How is the glory of Jesus revealed?”

Last week we looked at the account in Matthew of how God spoke “This is my Son whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

This week we have read from John’s account, how the Baptiser passed on his revelation about Jesus to his disciples, and how they in turn peeled off to follow Jesus.

There is something exciting and touching about the way that Andrew gets so excited that he cannot keep it to himself: he simply has to go and find his brother Simon and drag him along: “We have found the Messiah”!

Paul writes to the Corinthians that they are those who “eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.” This is true of all of us who have received the good news that Jesus was born, lived, died and rose again to bring in the Kingdom and to enable us to be drawn into the life of God. We are all looking forward to Christ being revealed: “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again!”

In the meantime, though, we have a vital task here on earth.

The main way that Jesus will be revealed, epiphanied, to people here on earth today is if we share the gospel with them. We need to aim for holy lives that fulfil our baptismal promises, and we need to seek for ways to share our faith with our immediate families, our colleagues at work, our friends and acquaintances that we meet at parties or share pastimes with, and those who live around us.

Some might be motivated by duty to do this: “Jesus says go into all the world and make disciples, and so I better do my bit”. Some might have a real concern for the eternal fate of those we witness to. Some might like the thrill of winning arguments. Some might feel bullied and made guilty by vicars who preach sermons such as this. I would suggest that none of these is an adequate motivation to share the good news ...

The most important motivation by far is that we have encountered God, that we feel that we have met Jesus, and our lives are changed forever. Part of our growth in Him will be to share our newfound faith and relationship with those around us. It will be love that impels us to share our faith, love for God and love for our neighbour.

This is not difficult. When a baby is born, the phone lines hum. When an exam is passed, a promotion gained, a new phone or gadget is purchased, we delight to pass on the good news.

If we find it difficult to witness for Christ, it maybe that we should look again at how much we have to witness to. What is our Good News?

The PCC has adopted as our Vision 2013:

that those who live in Camberley will find throughout the town a living community of people belonging to St Michael’s who are clearly living Christ-centred lives as

disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ

servants of the community

sharers of the faith.

We are not called to wait for people to just happen upon our lovely building and our thoughtful and reverent worship. We are called to be the church on the other side of the street, actively “being there” and “open for all who seek for” God.

Sometimes this will involve talking about our faith. Often it will be a matter of quietly but purposefully living in such a way that God’s Holy Spirit has opportunities to draw people as he sees fit. Thus some might be Street Angels, dispensing love, cheerfulness, lollipops and flip-flops and not preaching. Some might Adopt-a-Road, and take a prayerful interest in their neighbours. Some might find that at the school gate or the checkout counter they gradually get to know their neighbours there.

There are many today who “eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.” By this they mean that they would like to know something of God, but he seems remote, distant from their experience. Please join me in praying for them and in making ourselves available to them.

Dear Lord,

help us so to encounter you,

that we may daily grow in faith hope and love,

open for all that you have for us,

open for all that you would teach us,

open for all who seek for you,

and open to follow you wherever you lead us,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Questions for discussion

1. How did you first hear about Jesus?

2. Who have you talked to about Jesus recently, and who started the conversation?

3. Can you share the name of one of your neighbours on either side of where you live, so that we can pray for God to bless them? (If not, may we pray for helpful ways for you to meet your neighbours?)

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